Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Jessica Chobot Sucks

Who agrees?


Anonymous said...

I wish Chobot would suck me! :O

Anonymous said...

She is sucking all the way to the bank. Let it go. She found semi fame from being considered hot and you are jealous your witty sites don't get the same response hers does because she has a vagina and you have a penis. Let it go.

Anonymous said...

Why would you be mad at her? Instead you should try being mad at the morons who made her famous because she licked a psp. No one can be famous without morons to make them famous.

Anonymous said...

= fugly bitch

Anonymous said...

Someone will always be famous for doing something stupid. Look at Paris Hilton... she got famous for doing absolutely nothing except partying. And let's not forget the entire crew of Jackass...

Anonymous said...

Aren't you guys being a little harsh?

At least get a picture of her in your profile...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I found this safe haven for fellow Chobot haters.

I think it's ridiculous that IGN assumed that gamer guys would fall head over heels for her.

She's worthless and lame.

And yes... she sucks.

Anonymous said...

Gee, someone's jealous

Anonymous said...

all of this shi** just cause she shot you down,you would not be this up in arms about it if there was nothing personal behind it i read the posts the sun aint as clear is you and your wounded pride playa got shot down you and evreybody reading this know i am right which is why this will be deleted asap playa got shot down

Anonymous said...

OK, what the hell? Why do you hate her so much? I meen honestly... shes fucking hot, shes a gamer, and she not some dumb ass poser. And perhaps you should use your "talent" on somthing else like, o i dont know, a log of you getting your first pubic hair. but yea, ya know have fun on the internets ragin on people who couldnt care less about you.
Yea and the PSP isnt a console its a handheld... ass, and since im im sure you will delete this as soon as you see it since your a coward who cant stand up to any scrutiny of his gonna put in my email... feel free to send me your comments

Anonymous said...

I heard from a friend of mine that Jessica was on National Television...I would like to know what she said on G4...I heard that she had something to say to all of the "haters" (God! I hate how people think that speaking in broken English is cool). I dunno if anyone could send me a transcript or a link, but I have to know if cowardly used her "slut air-time" on that God-forsaken show to verbally insult me (since I no longer have cable do to the increasing insanity and retardation that is drawing this world into another world war).Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Haha, good stuff. You know, I can respect the way the woman is up front about her opinions, and didn't like the bull that is the GB Micro, but did anyone else get the impression that she wrote an article on Nintendogs BEFORE she played it!? Come on!

Anonymous said...

There are far worse people in the world than Jessica Chobot.

Being a fairly traditional geek, I visit IGN for some gaming news. When I first saw her WTF column, I was like... well, WTF.

I don't know know quite why her column on IGN exists.. I mean there are plenty of blogs on the internet for us to read. She's attractive, fairly down to earth, and fairly cool, but I'd rather see IGN put the effort into decent Insider features rather than making her WTF column the main draw. Put up pictures of her naked and scantily-clad in the babes section and fine, I have no problem. But when her diary takes up the Insider main page 80% of the time, it makes me wonder where my $20 is going....

...Lap dances? PSP-Licking sessions? Anime? Please, IGN, lose the chick and find some good GAMING features. It's what your readers want.

Anonymous said...

Calling Chobot a gamer is generous considering she only has the capacity to play World of Warcraft (which she probably paid someone to level for her). She don't know a thing about video games, and while somewhat attractive, she's your typical anime freak, and if my experience with those girls is any indication of who she really is, she isn't a special person at all.

She doesn't bring anything to the table but quasi-sex appeal, but she isn't the worst person alive.

Anonymous said...

I dont she's pretty at all...she be very ugly. I mean, she can't smile. Everytime I see her on inside xbox i puke... her face is so shiny and she looks so old when she smiles. Maybe they photoshop all the ugly so she appeals to people?

Anonymous said...

She's a legend and she is SO HOT! Besides, she knows her shit, she works her ass off and did I mention how stupidly hot she is. Sure there are hotter girls out there but she's the kind of hot that most guys can get to be with if they play their kinds right. Natural, see it all the time, I-have-a-friend-that-hot HOT, AND SHE'S A GAMER. AND YOU'RE A LOSER. AND YOU SHOULD PROBABLY KILL YOURSELF RATHER THAN WASTE OUR TIME COZ YOU WANT ATTENTION!!! - ZackSFC

Anonymous said...

I fucking Hate Jessica Chobot. Why does IGN need a Paris Hilton? Stupid whore!

Anonymous said...

fukin hell let it go no-one can deny that she is sensationably hot and since she likes video games ign made the funy gag of her being the "perfect girl" and besides all of tv is propelled by the sight of fit women and lets be honest is there a daily fix viewer who actually listens about the games? the point is she got the attention of ign's top dogs by stumblin into the spotlight and since shes a confident speaker with a stage presence and is asthetically pleasing she makes a perfectly legitimate tv host... just like any other

Anonymous said...

The only reason that I hate her, is because she is the hostess of those stupid "strategize" videos on Xbox 360. Telling everyone how to pull off infinites in fighting games (cheating), telling exactly how to get all the achievements, and is ruining the purpose of why it's even there. Destroying the hard work that all of the game devs have made just by simply blurting out every detail on what to do. This isnt "strategize": It's cheating. Tips are one thing, but blatantly blurting out blunt messages about everything has ruined the gaming industry image for some. (SOME)

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