Thursday, July 07, 2005

Someone's a fanboy...

Anonymous said...

OK, what the hell? Why do you hate her so much? I meen honestly... shes fucking hot, shes a gamer, and she not some dumb ass poser. And perhaps you should use your "talent" on somthing else like, o i dont know, a log of you getting your first pubic hair. but yea, ya know have fun on the internets ragin on people who couldnt care less about you.
Yea and the PSP isnt a console its a handheld... ass, and since im im sure you will delete this as soon as you see it since your a coward who cant stand up to any scrutiny of his gonna put in my email... feel free to send me your comments

Alright, let's get right to it:

OK, what the hell? What the hell indeed.

Why do you hate her so much? Because she's a no-talent assclown who got famous for no other reason except for having boobs and licking a shitty gaming system and posting the picture onto the internet. If I licked a PSP before she did, you can damn well bet I wouldn't have a job with IGN right now. She doesn't deserve whatever fame she's received. And again, before anyone goes and calls me a hypocrite by saying "Well this site is giving her more fame, so you're stupid blah blah blah," let me say that no one stumbles across this page accidentally. If you search for "Jessica Chobot" and find this page, that means you know who Jessica Chobot is. She has boobs and claims to be some sort of gamer, so some idiots think that's reason enough to make her famous.

I meen honestly... shes fucking hot, I mean honestly, she's fucking not.

shes a gamer, She dissed Nintendo, she talked about modding her XBox. True gamers do not do these things.

and she not some dumb ass poser. Yes, she is.

And perhaps you should use your "talent" on somthing else like, o i dont know, a log of you getting your first pubic hair. I realize that I am also a no-talent ass clown. However, I will not get famous because of it. As for when I got my first pubic hair, I don't recall the exact date and time. It was quite a while ago.

but yea, ya know have fun on the internets ragin on people who couldnt care less about you. Thanks, I will. And you have fun leaving comments on the internets ragin on people who couldnt care less about you.

Yea and the PSP isnt a console its a handheld... And a shitty one at that.

ass, Real mature.

and since im im sure you will delete this as soon as you see it Yeah, I'll do that, except instead of deleting it, I'll make it a post on the front page.

since your a coward who cant stand up to any scrutiny of his views. You're, not your. And yes, I can stand up to scrutiny.

im gonna put in my email... feel free to send me your comments I think this was a sufficient enough response to you. But if you've got any more comments for me, feel free to leave them. And that goes to anyone out there.


Anonymous said...

I stumbled across this guy on a thread on another site, and thought I'd cross-reference the stuff he said here. It was pretty funny!

Thread title: "You wouldnt bash her if she was your girlfriend - If Jessica Chobot was your girlfriend!"

Guy: "I just now saw this woman's pictures, and read some of the things she said. I've yet to see this PSP-licking picture, but I did somehow stumble upon an actual nude picture of her (no joke).

That said, I will make a few statements about this person:

1) From what I can see so far, she's popular because of her PSP-licking picture, she's a female, and possibly because of her nude picture. Basically, she's becoming "famous" simply because of her gender. But hey, sex sells.
2) She hasn't made a single substantial statement about anything gaming-related. She's just another 32/64-bit era introduced gamer.
3) She's your typical internet "gamer"/anime fangirl. She thinks PSX/PS2 are the greatest things ever. She loves FF (in specific, 3D generation FF), she's into anime, and while she claims that "Nintendo holds a special place in her heart" I've seen her say many more bad things about the company than good.

So, simply put: She loves Square and Sony to death, and is very into anime. How many internet girls does that describe? It wouldn't surprise me if she was into j-rock, cosplaying, and webcamming either. A typical internet fangirl. The most annoying people on the face of the earth.
4) Similar to a previous point I made: She tries to make herself sound like the so-called "hardcore, unbiased" gamer [that so many people here at NGG try to be as well; but that's another argument] by making statements about modding XBoxes, and bashing Nintendo's ideas, yet professing so much love for them. She goes onto say how she doesn't play XBox Live (gee I wonder why?), because she'd rather play online games on her PC.. when XBox Live and PC online gaming are not similar enough to be compared this way.

I hold the women who post here at NGG in much higher regard than this lady.

She also mentions Dreamcast and Soul Calibur to up her "hardcore" gamer status, then goes on to talk about how she dumped her b/f who then took the game away from her, which btw is the reason why she stopped playing it.

By bringing her "dumped" b/f into the article just lost her more points. Who the **** cares about her relationship status? Oh wait, that WOULD get rabid fanboys all aroused, huh?

She could have just as easily re-bought the game for herself and not mentioned any of that.. but no, that would make too much sense."

Anonymous said...

That guy retracted the nude pic statement. I think he originally wanted it to be a follow up to the joke picture on this site.... but he probably got too many guys' hopes up, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Dude...5 bucks you're a virgin.

Anonymous said...

Dude, wtf is wrong with you!
I think you're gay!
I mean, why else would you hate a nice girl...

Pred said...

Just because you claim she’s "nice" doesn’t mean a thing. You have no way of knowing this. I go by what I see and by what she writes. From that I gather she is dumb, ugly, and old.
