Saturday, August 20, 2005

GoonerBoy said...

Mate, do you want to kiss her? No.
On her downstairs area? Do you mean her vagina, or her basement? It's ok to say vagina here, we're all adults. Except for the 12 year old fan boys that come here looking for "chobot nude pics psp licker". And the answer is no, I do not want to kiss her on her downstairs area.
You so do, you poor little chap. I so don't, you poor little chap.
The thing is, my frustrated little friend, I can see into your future. Please, Mr. Cleo, tell me what my future holds.
And it goes like this. I can't wait to hear it.
You sitting in your tawdry little bedroom My bedroom is not gaudy or cheap in nature, nor is it shameful or indecent, nor, for that matter, is it little. But please, do continue.
waiting for your mum to call you down to dinner Well, I live alone. So far, you're 0 for 2 on your future predictions. But please, continue.
masturbating like a monkey I'm not sure how much a monkey masturbates. But if it's a lot, then you got this part right.
and getting more and more angry as you watch her star inexorably rise. Actually, I'm really not gonna get any angrier no matter how much more famous she becomes. I'm not even really all that angry as it is. I'm basically just partially annoyed at the fact that she has become famous for absolutely no reason.
Life's so much better when you're less angry. Yes, yes it is.
Just out of interest, have you got a girlfriend? Yes, yes I do. Sorry to disappoint you.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'm #1 on MSN for She Sucks Penis. Good times.

Yeah, I've had some weird search referals. I've gotten hits for "first pubic hair", "she sucks his penis" and "paris sucks" in addition to the normal "jessica chobot naked", "jessica chobot pics", "jessica chobot nude" hits that I get. But if you want more Jessica Chobot love than I can provide, you gotta go here.